25 research outputs found

    Design, modeling and implementation of a soft robotic neck for humanoid robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorSoft humanoid robotics is an emerging field that combines the flexibility and safety of soft robotics with the form and functionality of humanoid robotics. This thesis explores the potential for collaboration between these two fields with a focus on the development of soft joints for the humanoid robot TEO. The aim is to improve the robot’s adaptability and movement, which are essential for an efficient interaction with its environment. The research described in this thesis involves the development of a simple and easily transportable soft robotic neck for the robot, based on a 2 Degree of Freedom (DOF) Cable Driven Parallel Mechanism (CDPM). For its final integration into TEO, the proposed design is later refined, resulting in an efficiently scaled prototype able to face significant payloads. The nonlinear behaviour of the joints, due mainly to the elastic nature of their soft links, makes their modeling a challenging issue, which is addressed in this thesis from two perspectives: first, the direct and inverse kinematic models of the soft joints are analytically studied, based on CDPM mathematical models; second, a data-driven system identification is performed based on machine learning techniques. Both approaches are deeply studied and compared, both in simulation and experimentally. In addition to the soft neck, this thesis also addresses the design and prototyping of a soft arm capable of handling external loads. The proposed design is also tendon-driven and has a morphology with two main bending configurations, which provides more versatility compared to the soft neck. In summary, this work contributes to the growing field of soft humanoid robotics through the development of soft joints and their application to the humanoid robot TEO, showcasing the potential of soft robotics to improve the adaptability, flexibility, and safety of humanoid robots. The development of these soft joints is a significant achievement and the research presented in this thesis paves the way for further exploration and development in this field.La robótica humanoide blanda es un campo emergente que combina la flexibilidad y seguridad de la robótica blanda con la forma y funcionalidad de la robótica humanoide. Esta tesis explora el potencial de colaboración entre estos dos campos centrándose en el desarrollo de una articulación blanda para el cuello del robot humanoide TEO. El objetivo es mejorar la adaptabilidad y el movimiento del robot, esenciales para una interacción eficaz con su entorno. La investigación descrita en esta tesis consiste en el desarrollo de un prototipo sencillo y fácilmente transportable de cuello blando para el robot, basado en un mecanismo paralelo actuado por cable de 2 grados de libertad. Para su integración final en TEO, el diseño propuesto es posteriormente refinado, resultando en un prototipo eficientemente escalado capaz de manejar cargas significativas. El comportamiemto no lineal de estas articulaciones, debido fundamentalmente a la naturaleza elástica de sus eslabones blandos, hacen de su modelado un gran reto, que en esta tesis se aborda desde dos perspectivas diferentes: primero, los modelos cinemáticos directo e inverso de las articulaciones blandas se estudian analíticamente, basándose en modelos matemáticos de mecanismos paralelos actuados por cable; segundo, se aborda el problema de la identificación del sistema mediante técnicas basadas en machine learning. Ambas propuestas se estudian y comparan en profundidad, tanto en simulación como experimentalmente. Además del cuello blando, esta tesis también aborda el diseño de un brazo robótico blando capaz de manejar cargas externas. El diseño propuesto está igualmente basado en accionamiento por tendones y tiene una morfología con dos configuraciones principales de flexión, lo que proporciona una mayor versatilidad en comparación con el cuello robótico blando. En resumen, este trabajo contribuye al creciente campo de la robótica humanoide blanda mediante el desarrollo de articulaciones blandas y su aplicación al robot humanoide TEO, mostrando el potencial de la robótica blanda para mejorar la adaptabilidad, flexibilidad y seguridad de los robots humanoides. El desarrollo de estas articulaciones es una contribución significativa y la investigación presentada en esta tesis allana el camino hacia nuevos desarrollos y retos en este campo.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: Cecilia Elisabet García Cena.- Secretario: Dorin Sabin Copaci.- Vocal: Martin Fodstad Stole

    A new approach for direct kinematic solution of a soft robotic neck

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    [Resumen] El mecanismo de cuello robótico presentado en este trabajo tiene como elemento principal un eslabón blando que emula un cuello humano con dos grados de libertad (DOF) (flexión, extensión y flexión lateral). El dispositivo se basa en un Mecanismo Paralelo Accionado por Cable (CDPM). Se desarrolla una cinemática directa a partir del sistema estático y la distribución geométrica del mecanismo, y se presentan ecuaciones lineales que permiten conocer fácilmente la longitud de los cables para hallar la posición del cuello, tanto en ángulos de inclinación como de orientación. Para el control del motor se utiliza un controlador PI de orden fraccionario (FOPI).[Abstract] The robotic neck mechanism presented in this paper has as its main element a soft link that emulates a human neck with two DOF (flexion, extension and lateral bending). The mechanism is based on a Cable-Driven Parallel Mechanism (CDPM). A direct kinematics is developed from the static system and the geometric distribution of the mechanism, and linear equations are presented that relate the length of the cables and the position of the neck, both in inclination and orientation angles. For the motor control, a fractional order PI controller (FOPI) is usedMinisterio de Economia Industria y Competitividad; PID2020-113194GB-I0

    A first approach to a proposal of a soft robotic link acting as a neck

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    [Abstract] The purpose of this paper is to design a soft robotic neck prototype with two Degrees of Freedom (DOF) and propose a control system based on a fractional order PD controller (FPD). The neck will be able to perform movements of flexion, extension and lateral bending. To achieve these movements, the design is made based on a cable-driven mechanism, with components easy to manufacture in a 3D printer. Simulations are performed to validate the feasibility of the developed parallel robot prototype and the robustness of the proposed control scheme to mass changes at the tip.Ministerio de Economía y Empresa; DPI2016-75330-

    Robust control strategy for improving the performance of a soft robotic link

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    [Abstract] The robotic neck mechanism considered in this paper has as main element a soft link that emulates a human neck with two DOF (flexion, extension and lateral bending). The mechanism is based on a Cable-Driven Parallel Mechanism (CDPM) with components easy to manufacture in a 3D printer.Due to the soft link properties and the platform mechanics, it is important to provide a robust control system. Two designs, a robust PID controller and a Fractional Order PI controller (FOPI) are proposed and compared, the fractional order control showing an enhanced performance. Both control approaches are tested in the real prototype, validating the soft neck feasibility and showing the robustness of the platform to mass changes at the neck tip.Comunidad de Madrid. Consejería de educación e Investigación; IND2020/IND-1739Comunidad de Madrid; S2018/NMT-433

    Design and performance validation of a cable-driven soft robotic neck

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    This paper has been presented at Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica 2018The purpose of this paper is to design a soft robotic neck prototype with two Degrees of Freedom (DOF). It is mainly aimed to investigate, study and design a mechanism that allows to simulate the movements of a human neck, concretely the movements of flexion, extension and lateral bending. To archieve these movements, the design is made based on a cable-driven mechanism, validating the design of spring, through which it will be possible to obtain the sketch of the components that make up the soft neck and then its manufacture in a 3D printer. Another important aspect for the development of the project is the load weight that the soft neck can support, in order to size the motors that are needed for the operation of the parallel mechanism. In addition, the analysis of its mathematical model for the control system that will be implemented in future work is carried out.The research leading to these results has received funding from the HUMASOFT project, with reference DPI2016-75330-P, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    A New Approach of Soft Joint Based on a Cable-Driven Parallel Mechanism for robotic Applications

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    A soft joint has been designed and modeled to perform as a robotic joint with 2 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) (inclination and orientation). The joint actuation is based on a Cable-Driven Parallel Mechanism (CDPM). To study its performance in more detail, a test platform has been developed using components that can be manufactured in a 3D printer using a flexible polymer. The mathematical model of the kinematics of the soft joint is developed, which includes a blocking mechanism and the morphology workspace. The model is validated using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) (CAD software). Experimental tests are performed to validate the inverse kinematic model and to show the potential use of the prototype in robotic platforms such as manipulators and humanoid robots.The research leading to these results has received funding from the project Desarrollo de articulaciones blandas para aplicaciones robóticas, with reference IND2020/IND-1739, funded by the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM) (Department of Education and Research), and from RoboCity2030-DIH-CM, Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, FaseIV; S2018/NMT-4331), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU

    A graphical tuning method for fractional order controllers based on iso-slope phase curves

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    Fractional order controllers are widely used in the robust control field. As a generalization of the ubiquitous PID controllers, fractional order controllers are able to reach design specifications their integer counterparts cannot, and as a result they outperform them at particular situations. Their main drawback is that generalization of the design tools is not always evident, and therefore tuning this kind of controller is always a new and different challenge. Existing methods often use numerical computation to find the controller parameters that fit the specifications. This paper describes a graphical solution for fractional order controllers, which avoids the solution by nonlinear equations and helps designer to solve the control problem in a very intuitive way. This approach is tested in the servomotors of a real bio-inspired soft neck and results are compared with those obtained from other control strategies. The experiments show that the controller tuned by this method works as expected from a robust controller and that this approach is very competitive compared to other state of the art methods, while offering a more simplified and direct tuning process.Research leading to these results has received funding from HUMASOFT project, with reference DPI2016-75330-P, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and from RoboCity2030-DIH-CM Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub, S2018/NMT-4331, funded by "Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid" and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU

    De la filosofía del lenguaje a la filosofía política del siglo XXI

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    En el presente artículo de investigación, se tiene como objetivo reflexionar acerca de la transición de la filosofía del lenguaje a la filosofía política del siglo XXI. Para ello, se maneja un diseño cualitativo con alcance descriptivo, además se trata de una investigación documental. Es menester plantear estas consideraciones dedicadas a estudiar la lengua como inherente al hombre, en el entendido como hombre referido a la especie humana y la política, como dedicada a establecer una sociedad de carácter honesto y equitativa para cada miembro e integrante de la misma, así como la filosofía política observada en la Constitución nacional de 2008. La conclusión que resalta consiste que en cada época la filosofía se comprometió a tutelar a las formas de gobierno existentes o proponer un cambio, en búsqueda de una mejor sociedad, en el Ecuador debe tener presente al sumak kawsay, pues promulga procura equilibrar al hombre y a la naturaleza, en discordancia con la visión de solo cuidar el ambiente y naturaleza, por ser necesarios para la humanidad y no por derecho propio, como lo merece; de igual manera se plantea una definición del término filosofía

    Use of the Storyboarder Tool to Reduce the Attitude Towards Machismo in High School Adolescents

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    Machismo is a behavior learned as a consequence of dominant cultures, it remains in force in today's society, causing discrimination towards the female gender through actions and derogatory words in relation to their weakness, physical and psychological abuse is the most characteristic relevant. Therefore, this article aims to determine to what extent the use of the Storyboarder tool reduces the attitude towards machismo in high school adolescents at the Las Delicias Educational Unit in the city of Santo Domingo. To this end, the research was framed in a quantitative approach, with a quasi-experimental design, based on real situations. The population was made up of 124 second-year high school students from the "Las Delicias" Educational Unit. The sample was 40 students (20 experimental group and 20 control group). The type of sampling is intentional non-probabilistic. A survey-type instrument was applied aimed at students from 14 years of age and older, called the Attitudes Towards Machismo Scale and includes 46 items, made up of five dimensions, under a Likert-type scaling. The instrument was subjected to expert assessment, its reliability once the pilot test was carried out was 0.93 coefficient on the Cronbach scale, it was possible to conclude that when the intervention was carried out with the Storyboarder tool, the majority of the students showed a low attitude, which indicates a positive change in their perception and disposition towards the subject of study

    Gestión administrativa y su incidencia en el desarrollo institucional en los Gobiernos Parroquiales de Babahoyo, Ecuador: Realidad y perspectivas

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    The investigative work that basically supported the writing of this scientific work had as objective the determination of the incidence of the administrative management in the institutional development in the Parochial Governments of Babahoyo, Ecuador. For the achievement of the outlined goal, methods derived from scientific research were used, in order to collect and analyze the necessary information, as well as mathematical and statistical methods for processing. The research that served as precedent, presented an exploratory - descriptive design, in its development the population was assumed as parochial governmental entities of the Babahoyo canton. The study was based on the methodological basis of using a SWOT Matrix, the study was conducted between 2013 and 2016. The relevant variables dealt with were administrative management and institutional development. In order to statistically process the results derived from the application of empirical level methods, the Variation Coefficient was used. As main findings of the research, whose results are shown in the present, the diagnosis of the existing situation in the Parochial Boards is presented, as well as a model that, according to the criteria of the acting experts, can solve the assumed scientific problem. arriving at conclusions that of being taken into account by the studied managers, could revolutionize the administrative management and its incidence in the institutional development in the Parochial Governments of Babahoyo, Ecuador.El trabajo investigativo que básicamente sustentó la escritura de esta obra científica tuvo como objetivo la determinación de la incidencia de la gestión administrativa en el desarrollo institucional en los Gobiernos Parroquiales de Babahoyo, Ecuador. Para el logro de la meta reseñada, fueron utilizados métodos derivados de la investigación científica, con la finalidad de recopilar y analizar la información necesaria, así como métodos matemáticos y estadísticos para su procesamiento. La investigación que sirvió de precedente, presentó un diseño exploratorio – descriptivo, en su desarrollo se asumió como población las entidades gubernamentales parroquiales del cantón Babahoyo. El estudio realizado tuvo como base metodológica la utilización de una Matriz FODA, el estudio se realizó entre los años 2013 y 2016. Las variables relevantes tratadas fueron la gestión administrativa y el desarrollo institucional. Con la finalidad de procesar estadísticamente los resultados derivados de la aplicación de métodos del nivel empírico se utilizó el Coeficiente de Variación. Como hallazgos principales emanados de la investigación, cuyos resultados se exhiben en el presente aparece el diagnóstico de la situación existente en los Gobiernos Parroquiales objeto de estudio, así como un modelo que de acuerdo a criterios de los expertos actuantes puede solucionar el problema científico asumido, arribándose a conclusiones que de tenerse en cuenta por los directivos estudiados, podrían revolucionar la gestión administrativa y su incidencia en el desarrollo institucional en los Gobiernos Parroquiales de Babahoyo, Ecuador